Our Parents and Citizens Association consists of a valued group of parents who actively support our school. Our uniform and tuckshop services are provided through the P and C and across the year they support the school in a variety of ways:
- Mother and Father Day stalls
- Catering support at
various school events such as our Power into Prep morning, AM, Fancy
Dress Bush Dance, discos and music events
- Supporting teacher information evenings
- Working Bees
- Trivia Nights
- Colour Runs
Through their past fundraising initiatives they have provided air conditioning in all classrooms, funding for large purchases such as computers and interactive whiteboards in classrooms, a large fan for our modern hall, along with the annual support of classes through the student enhancement program.
P&C General Meeting
Each meeting is held at 7pm on the 3rd Monday of each month in the school library except during school vacations.
Agenda items and membership forms are available by emailing:
Date to be confirmed