As an Independent Public School Mitchelton State School has both a School Council and a P and C Association. Both groups operate separately however both support the school.
The role of a school council is to: monitor the school’s strategic direction• approve:— plans and policies of the school of a strategicnature— other documents affecting strategic matters including the annual estimate of revenue and expenditure for the school.• monitor the implementation of the plans, policies and other documents mentioned above• advise the school principal about strategic matters.The council must perform its functions in a way that achieves the best learning outcomes for the school’s students.
Term of office
Each elected member, or appointed member, of a school council holds office for the term, not longer than two years, stated in the council’s constitution. However, if newly established, the council’s constitution may provide for half of the first elected members to hold office for a term of no longer than three years.
The school council must meet at least twice in each semester.• The school council’s chairperson must preside at all council meetings at which the chairperson is present.• A question at a school council meeting, other than a question about an amendment of the council’s constitution, must be decided by a majority of the votes of the council members present.
Role of the P&C
School councils will have the responsibility to approve the strategic documents that set the direction, culture and tone of the school. The P&C president will be on the school council to represent the views of the P&C Association.• The Independent Public Schools initiative will not have any impact on the functions of P&Cs who are a vital part of the school and community partnerships at Mitchelton State School. For more information about Independent public schools and School Councils please go to