The uniform shop is open every Monday afternoon between 2:45pm and 3:15pm during the school term.
We stock official school polo shirts, shorts, skorts and jumpers in sizes 4-22. We have changing rooms available so you are welcome to bring your student in to try on uniforms. We also stock a range of school accessories including library and homework bags, school bags and hats. Senior polo shirts are available for pre-order in term 4 for students starting Year 6 the following year.
We accept cash and EFTPOS payments, or you can order uniforms any time through Qkr! (pronounced 'quicker') by clicking here or downloading the app. Online orders can be picked up during our regular Monday opening hours or will be delivered to your student's classroom.
Second-hand uniforms
We stock a range of second-hand items priced at $2. We happily accept donations of good quality second-hand uniforms to help support our school community. If you have any you'd like to donate, please wash them and drop them off at the office or at the uniform shop during our regular opening hours.
Contact us!
If you have a question or need some assistance with uniforms, please email us at mitchelton.uniforms@gmail.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
The uniform shop is operated by a team of volunteers, if you would like to join the team please get in touch!
What is the official school uniform?
The Mitchelton State School uniform is a polo shirt, green shorts or skorts, and a hat. Students wear this uniform every day, year-round.
Is there a sports uniform?
No. Students wear a coloured t-shirt with their regular shorts or skorts for the cross country and athletics carnival, and a coloured swim cap for the swimming carnival. We have three sports houses:
• Barrakadan – Yellow
• Mungar – Blue
• Ngurum - Green
We stock coloured t-shirts printed with the house name and emblem as well as swim caps in house colours, however you are welcome to purchase plain coloured t-shirts from Kmart, Target or Big W. Ask at the office which sports house your student is in.
What type of shoes are required?
Students need to wear black shoes with white socks.
Is there a different winter uniform?
No. We stock a school zip jacket that students can wear over their polo shirts. Students can also wear a plain bottle-green jumper, tracksuit pants, leggings, or stockings available from Kmart, Target or Big W.
Is the school bag compulsory?
No. We have school bags available to purchase which are very high quality and come with a lifetime warranty.
What are the other bags for?
All students will need the waterproof green library bag and the maroon homework bag.
Is the uniform shop open on any other days?
The uniform shop opens for special events, such as Power into Prep, as well as some extra days in the January school holidays. We share information about these days in the school newsletter and on the P&C Facebook page.