Mitchelton was named from one of our early pioneering families. The Mitchell family, along with the Nicholsons, Keylars and Duncans were the main settlers in the area which was then a rich grazing and farming district.
The suburb is fast becoming popular with younger families due to its proximity to the city and easy access to the suburban rail and bus network. New housing developments are evident on land previously used for market gardens. These estates are within easy walking distance to the school.
The Australian Defence Force has also undertaken the development of a new housing estate adjacent to Enoggera Barracks, also in close proximity to the school.
Education services were first provided to the district in 1916 in the form of the Grovely School. In 1952, the Year 3-8 students moved to the present site of the school whilst the infants remained at the same location, renamed Mitchelton State Infant School.
Both Mitchelton schools combined in 1986 and were located on the present site at 47 Glen Retreat Road. The school become one of the first Independent Public Schools in Queensland in November 2013.
Our Mitchelton State School 100 year Centenary Celebration Video - 1916-2016